Deliver a synchronised supply chain
SupplyVue is composed of solutions that enable you to synchronise activities across your supply chain. Solver uses artificial intelligence for production wheel design and inventory parameter setting. SupplyVue Network Planner provides intelligent plan constraining for synchronised drumbeat flow across your supply chain network.
SupplyVue products span the critical process hand-offs in the supply chain, synchronising activities to enable seamless product flow.

SupplyVue Solver
Calculating the design of a holistic set of supply chain planning parameters is a large and complex mathematical challenge that requires high computational effort. SupplyVue Solver uses powerful genetic algorithms and heuristics, adaptable to many business contexts, to calculate the optimum settings. With production wheels for each work centre, Solver proposes the corresponding inventory parameters across a supply chain network.
Why SupplyVue Solver?
By placing demand into a regularly repeating sequence, Solver’s production wheel model balances the need for flexibility and efficiency. The drumbeat generated by production wheels creates stability and predictability in the supply chain and enables your organisation to achieve the desired results of shorter lead times, smaller batches, lower costs, and improved reliability.
Solver features include:
- Production wheel modelling by WorkCentre
- Planning parameter setting (whether managing for cost, inventory or carbon)
- Inventory policy setting
- What-if scenario modelling
- Cross-production line interdependency management
- Portfolio and BoM harmonisation modelling
- Multi-echelon network synchronisatioN

SupplyVue Network Planner
SupplyVue Network Planner is a multi-echelon network planning solution. The Network Planner propagates demand through the network, aligned to the production wheel template from Solver, resulting in a predictable, stable supply drumbeat.
Why SupplyVue Network Planner?
SupplyVue Network Planner is an easy-to-implement, simple-to-use, and highly functional solution. It creates a predictable supply chain that is easier to understand and manage.
Planner’s features include:
- Demand propagation capability based on Solver’s synchronisation principles
- Interactive plan-solving features (alternative sources, stock building and plan smoothing, operational hours adjustment)
- Management of phase-in and phase-out of products
- User control over demand smoothing product priorities and stock build levels
- Plan solving respecting batch grouping
- Rapid replanning capability to respond to change
- Off-line what-if scenario modelling and simulation capability
- In-bound material constraining, respecting production wheels
SupplyVue: Core functionality
SupplyVue Solver is a multi-objective function optimisation (i.e. service, cost, carbon) solution that determines the policies and parameters to optimally balance costs, carbon emissions and service across the supply chain.
Supply chain synchronisation assessment. Revealing time, cost and carbon build-up through the network. Show where process hand-offs are causing value loss. Model and evaluate synchronisation benefits.
Network Planner
SupplyVue Network Planner is a multi-echelon network planning solution. It propagates demand through the network, aligned to a repetitive supply cycle rhythm, resulting in a predictable, stable demand drumbeat that synchronises activities across the supply chain.
Digital Twin
Our platform builds a data model that replicates your supply chain and is ready to use for analytics, modelling, and simulation.
- Transaction Systems
- IoT and operational equipment
- Planning Systems